
Monday, October 2, 2023


The former president of Chicago State University, Dr. Elnara Daniel, plans to take legal action against Nigeria's President, Asiwaju Bola Tinubu, for alleged forgery. Dr. Daniel asserts that it is a criminal act for Tinubu to have forged her signature on the certificate he submitted.

She has stated that she is waiting for the release of Tinubu's academic records by the institution to former Vice President of Nigeria, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar, as directed by District Judge Maldonado. Once these records are available, she intends to file her lawsuit against Tinubu in a US criminal court.

Dr. Daniel denies signing the controversial certificate presented by Tinubu to INEC during his nomination process, emphasizing that she wasn't a staff member of the institution until 19 years after the alleged certificate was forged.

Her decision to press criminal charges against Tinubu is a response to pressure from her family, friends, and associates who wish to clear her name from media allegations that she was bribed by the Nigerian president to sign the forged CSU certificate.

Furthermore, Dr. Daniel states that she had no student by the name "Tinubu" during her tenure as the president of Chicago State University.

It's noted that if Tinubu's CSU records are indeed found to be forged, it raises constitutional and moral concerns, and there may be calls for his resignation or impeachment due to potential perjury.

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