
Sunday, July 9, 2023


The Department of State Services (DSS) wants to address the false reports circulating in certain sections of the online media, specifically SaharaReporters, Peoples Gazette, and Jackson Ude. These platforms have irresponsibly spread misleading narratives and baseless accusations against the DSS. For example, SaharaReporters claimed that the Service raided the Independent Corrupt Practices and other Related Offences Commission (ICPC) and Code of Conduct Bureau (CCB) and unlawfully took files from their premises. Jackson Ude falsely alleged nepotism within the DSS and accused the Service of surveillance on Judges from the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal.

Similarly, Peoples Gazette reported that Senator Abdulaziz Yari was arrested for allegedly refusing to answer the President's phone call, a ludicrous claim devoid of truth. Furthermore, there are other unsubstantiated and anonymous petitions circulating against the Director-General of the DSS, his family, and some officials. Normally, the Service would not dignify these inaccuracies with a response, but given the potential impact on gullible individuals and the unsuspecting public, it is important to set the record straight.

To clarify, the DSS did not conduct any operations at the ICPC or CCB nor did it remove any files from their offices. It is worth noting that both agencies have publicly refuted these reports in press statements widely circulated. It is absurd and laughable to suggest that Yari was invited by the Service for the sole reason of refusing the President's call. This is a prime example of junk journalism. Yari is well aware of the reasons for his invitation.

The DSS categorically denies all these allegations as they lack any factual basis or credibility. They are simply products of the creators' imagination. It is important to highlight that the mentioned publishers have gained notoriety, both within and outside the country, for their dissemination of fake news, sensationalism, and unethical journalism. Engaging in character assassinations and blackmail appears to be their preferred business model.

It is evident that the reports in question are deliberate attempts to tarnish the reputation and leadership of the DSS. It is noteworthy that the Service previously alerted the public about this pattern of behavior in June 2023.

While the sponsors behind these campaigns of defamation are known to the DSS, it will allow them to exhaust themselves, fully aware that they will eventually face the consequences of their actions. As the saying goes, the thief may have many days, but the owner of the house will have their day.

It is clear that the writers and their sponsors are oblivious to the widespread recognition the DSS has received from the majority of stakeholders for its outstanding performance and professional conduct in handling numerous critical national issues.

Regrettably, these platforms have chosen to undermine the Agency and its capabilities through their publications. Reiterating its commitment to the rule of law and the independence of other agencies, including the Judiciary and Legislature, the DSS will not shy away from its responsibilities or allow detractors to obstruct it from fulfilling its lawful duties or executing orders from constituted authorities. If Yari or anyone else is required to be invited or taken into custody, the Service will not hesitate to do so, as long as it is done in accordance with legal procedures. The DSS will remain focused, resilient, patriotic, and professional in carrying out its affairs.

We urge the public to disregard these misleading stories, which aim to foster discord in the country and undermine the leadership of the DSS.

The Service will continue to collaborate with relevant stakeholders to address security challenges in line with its mandate and the directives of the President. Regardless of how many times the naysayers and hostile agents plan to distract it, the DSS will persevere.

Dr. Peter Afunanya, fsi

Public Relations Officer

Department of State Services

National Headquarters


9th July 2023

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