
Monday, May 10, 2021



This baby was born with teeth.

Most infants get their first teeth months after birth, some babies are born with one or more teeth. 

These are called natal teeth. Natal teeth are relatively rare, occurring in about 1 out of every 2,000 births.

Causes and Prevalence of Natal Teeth

Natal teeth can seem mysterious, but there are certain conditions that can increase the chances of babies being born with teeth. 

These teeth may be seen in babies with a cleft palate or lip. Babies who are born with irregularities in dentin (the calcified tissues that help form teeth) may also have natal teeth.

There are underlying medical issues that may cause natal teeth. These include the following syndromes:



Pierre Robin

Ellis-van Creveld

Risk Factors for Natal Teeth

In addition to certain medical conditions, there are a few risk factors that may increase a baby’s chances of being born with teeth. About 15 percent of babies born with teeth have close family members that had natal teeth when they were born, too. These include siblings and parents.

While there are conflicting studies on the role of gender and natal teeth, females seem to be more likely to be born with teeth than males.

Malnutrition during pregnancy is another possible risk factor.

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