
Friday, September 14, 2018


This is a list of 25 foods high in folic acid that are made for pregnant women.

The List Foods High In Folic Acid For Pregnancy

1. Corn:
You can have a can of corn in pantry right now. You should eat it up, because this popular vegetable is a great source of folate. Just 1 cup of cooked corn can give you about 76 mcg of the folic acid, accounting for nearly 20% of daily needs you have to get. Also, you need to avoid canned veggies and you can opt for fresh and organic.

2. Milk
Milk is one of good foods high in folic acid. It is a nutritional supplement drink that is ideal for all ages of people. In addition to folic acid content, milk also contains a lot of protein and calcium. Drinking milk can absorb a lot of important nutrients in a convenient and effective way for pregnant women and fetuses.

3. Asparagus:
Asparagus is the food containing the highest levels of folic acid, 5 asparagus contain about 1,000 micrograms of folic acid. When cooking asparagus you should not be cooked too long to avoid loss of valuable sources of folic acid. A bowl of cooked asparagus has about 79mcg of folic acid.
For mothers: Women, who are pregnant, should use regular asparagus because folic acid in asparagus is good for the baby's development. When the baby was born, asparagus also helps mothers with abundant milk supply.
For children: Not only rich in folic acid, asparagus contains more fiber that is good for the digestive system of the baby. The mother can process a lot of extremely delicious dishes from asparagus for changing baby meals.

4. Avocado:
Avocado is high in folic acid that you should add into your daily pregnant diet. When it comes to nutrition before pregnancy, avocados are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Half an avocado contains 90mcg of folate. Also, not only that, like salmon and walnuts, avocados contain a lot of omega 3 fatty acids (healthy fats, good for the heart and brain of the baby's mother).
For children: Avocado is not only healthy for children but also tastes the fruit of a lot of kinds. In addition, avocado is also a great advantage that does not need to be cooked over the fire. Just semi-processed avocado can be used immediately and you should not let it be lost vitamins. However, avocados are easily combined with grains, vegetables and other fruits. Therefore, the avocado is the number 1 choice in a menu of food ideas for baby aged 4 to 6 months of age and older.

5. Cauliflower:
Cauliflower is a green vegetable containing the most folic acid. It also contains rich fiber content that can help reduce constipation effectively. Eating just one cup of cauliflower will give you approximately 55 mcg of folate, accounting for 14% of your recommended daily value.

6. Citrus Fruits:
According to scientists, orange is one of the fruits that contain vitamin C, vitamin A, calcium and fiber. This food is very nutritious for the body of pregnant women. Vitamin B9 (folic acid) in oranges help prevent cardiovascular disease, cancer prevention (especially stomach cancer and larynx) because they are rich in antioxidants. In addition, the abundance of fiber in orange can reduce constipation effectively. This is the fruit pregnant women can eat more.
Folic acid is extremely important for all women, especially for women who are pregnant or who are trying to conceive. It helps to prevent certain types of birth defects, and help produce healthy blood cells. In addition, the limonoid quality of orange juice helps prevent cancer and detoxification, diuretic. Pregnant women often eat oranges, or eat fruits like mandarin orange and grapefruit; their risk of cancer (lung and stomach) is relatively low. Also, being pregnant with digestive disorders should not eat a lot of oranges.
You should use fresh orange, juiced drink and no added sugar. Every day you can drink a small glass of orange juice or you drink a day and you leave it a tiring day. You should limit canned orange juices even if they are introduced as fresh orange juice. The canned fruit juices are often added or mixed with sweeteners. Moreover, during transport, storage, a box of fruit juice can cause you to be infected abdominal pain, diarrhea and more if used. Here are some of citrus fruits you can eat:
Papaya – 115 mcg of folate in one papaya (29% dv)
Oranges — 40 mcg of folate in one orange (10% dv)
Grapefruit — 30 mcg of folate in one grapefruit (8% dv)
Strawberries — 25 mcg of folate in 1 cup (6.5% dv)
Raspberries — 14 mcg of folate in 1 cup (4% dv).

7. Beans, Peas & Lentils
They contain folic acid. Soybean has many products like soy milk, tofu, and dried tofu. Most dried beans are a rich source of folic acid. Legumes such as lentils and chickpeas have even a higher amount of folate than other beans and peas.
Beans and peas that especially are high in folic acid are pinto beans, green peas, lima beans, black-eyed peas & kidney beans. Just a small bowl of lentil of any type can give you the majority of the recommended daily amounts of folic acids you have to get.
Here are some of beans that are rich in folic acid.
1 cup of Lentils – 358 mcg of folate (90% daily value)
1 cup of Pinto Beans – 294 mcg of folate (74% daily value)
1 cup of Garbanzo Beans – 282 mcg of folate (71% daily value)
1 cup of Black Beans – 256 mcg of folate (64% daily value)
1 cup of Navy Beans – 254 mcg of folate (64% daily value)
1 cup of Kidney Beans – 229 mcg of folate (57% daily value)
1 cup of Lima Beans – 156 mcg of folate (39% daily value)
1 cup of Split Peas – 127 mcg of folate (32% daily value)
1 cup of Green Peas – 101 mcg of folate (25% daily value)
1 cup of Green Beans – 42 mcg of folate (10% daily value).

8. Potato:
Potatoes, which are rhizomes, in addition to containing folic acid, also contain minerals such as zinc to promote nerve growth of fetal brain, as well as food additives that can eat more.

9. Bread And Cereal:
Refined grains do not have the folic acid content. Use cereal is the main dish, not only can increase the absorption of folic acid, which can absorb a lot of fiber and other nutrients such as vitamins. Foods made from grains such as pasta, bread, breakfast cereals are rich in folic acid. A slice of bread with folic acid supplements contains 60mcg of folic acid.
For mother: doctors recommend nutrition for mothers elects to use products that are fortified with folic acid, so mothers need to try to eat some of folate-rich foods (such as broccoli or dark green leafy vegetables in the sandwich) in order that folic acid is absorbed into the body more.
For children: The mothers do not think, “Bread is not good for me". Even white bread made of wheat quality is still the ideal choice for your baby. White bread has fiber, which helps prevent constipation, heart disease, hypertension and diabetes. Also, the bread can help add iron and B vitamins such as niacin, folic acid, thiamine and riboflavin into the mothers’ bodies.

10. Beets:
Beet is a great food for antioxidants. Also, it provides detox support, and this makes it be one of the greatest liver cleanse foods. It is known as one of the good foods with folic acid. Experts say that eating 1 cup of boiled beets can provide you with an amount of 136 mcg of folate (34% of daily needs).

11. Tomatoes:
A glass of tomato juice contains 48mcg of folic acid. In addition, the tomato is a fruit rich in vitamins, fiber and antioxidants.
For mother: Tomato juice helps the body absorb iron maximally, especially if you need iron supplements. If tomato juice is not your favorite dish, a bowl of tomato soup is seen as the perfect replacement.
For children: Tomato food is said to be beneficial for their snack. Also, nutrition experts recommend that parents should not make tomato soups for their baby before the baby is about 10 months old, because the acid in the tomatoes will weaken the fledgling stomach of the baby.

12. Broccoli:
A bowl of broccoli soup is up to 104 mcg of folic acid (folic acid about a quarter of daily needs). In addition, broccoli also contains calcium, vitamin C, fiber and iron.
For mother: During pregnancy, pregnant women need a lot more than the normal amount of blood. Anemia related to iron deficiency. This disease will cause the feeling of tired, dizzy, and this is not good for both mother and baby. Therefore, the mother needs to supplement the iron needed to prevent anemia. Broccoli is a food rich in iron and folic acid to help prevent iron deficiency anemia, so the pregnant women can use this food in their daily diet plan.
For children: Broccoli is not only rich in folic acid, it also has an abundant amount of vitamin C, which helps the body absorb calcium and iron little better.

13. Liver:
The liver is one of the foods that contain folic acid with the highest quality, even twice as much as some other foods. However, most nutrition experts would advise you to eat it in moderation because it contains a lot of cholesterol.

14. Berries:
These fruits contain high levels of folic acid in any kind, even containing about 20% of the folate you need in one day. They also increase the amount of fiber and they are considered as low calorie snacks.

15. Seeds & Nuts:
Seeds and nuts are great foods high in folic acid. Among the foods with folic acid, sunflower seeds on the list of nuts have the highest folate levels. Sunflower seeds are especially rich in folate, but you can also choose other grains such as sesame seeds or walnuts instead of sunflower seeds if desired.
It does not matter if it is sesame, pumpkin, sunflower or flax seeds, you should eat them raw, sprouted, or even sprinkled onto a salad. This will help you add a great serving of folic acid into your body. Sunflower seeds, peanuts and flax seeds are especially high in the folate. With just one cup will offer up to 300 mcg. In addition, nuts are very high in the folic acid, especially peanuts and almonds. Here is a short list of some of highest seeds & nuts for folic acid.
Sunflower Seeds — 82 mcg of folate in ¼ cup (21% DV)
Peanuts — 88 mcg of folate in ¼ cup (22%)
Flax Seeds — 54 mcg of folate in 2 tbs (14% DV)
Almonds — 46 mcg of folate in 1 cup (12% DV).

16. Beer:
Talking beer but rather yeast contains folate. Now you have a good reason to drink beer during the pregnancy. Also, you should not see it as the main source of folic acid in your diet during pregnancy.

17. Yogurt:
Refreshing and delicious taste of yogurt has conquered the most difficult pregnancy. Not only yogurt contains beneficial bacteria to the digestive process, it also provides a very rich source of protein for pregnant women.
Yogurt contains more calcium and protein than regular milk. Yogurt also offers a variety of bacterial fermentation that is beneficial for the digestive system and the immune system. Many women cannot suffer the taste of milk for pregnant women but they are very interested in the yogurt.
You should not eat yogurt when fasting because some acid in yogurt will make your stomach get tired. Ideally, you should use yogurt after about 1-2 hours after meals.

18. Beef:
Meats contain large amounts of iron, protein, B6, B12, zinc and especially choline (a stimulant fetal brain development). Also, beef contains more cholesterol, so you should eat in moderation to avoid increased blood cholesterol levels.
Beef can be cooked in any way, and it is very nutritious and very tasty. You absolutely should avoid foods made with beef or beef re-associated with a variety of hot spices. Each week you should take 2-3 meals of beef.

19. Sweet Potatoes:
Sweet potatoes are abundant food sources of beta carotene – an antioxidant that the body converts into vitamin A. In addition, you may have read that vitamin A plays an important role in the development of eye, bone and skin of the baby.
In addition, sweet potatoes also help replenish the body's iron deficiency during pregnancy. Moreover, this food contains copper – a mineral that helps the body absorb iron better. Scientific evidence also confirms that sweet potatoes help pregnant women reduce the symptoms of constipation – common diseases of the gourd. You can enjoy sweet potatoes with dishes such as boiled, baked, fried or mashed baking but absolutely avoid raw sweet potatoes.

20. Dark Green Leafy Vegetables:
The folate (the natural form of folic acid) is derived from the leaves of vegetables. Spinach (propeller) topped the vegetables on folate levels. Food items from green leafy vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, or kale can provide 1/3 the necessary need of folic acid every day. In addition, vegetables are also rich in other vitamins and low in calories.
Spinach — 263 mcg of folate in 1 cup (65% DV)
Collard Greens — 177 mcg of folate in 1 cup (44% DV)
Turnip Greens — 170 mcg of folate in 1 cup (42% DV)
Mustard Greens — 103 mcg of folate in 1 cup (26% DV)
Romaine Lettuce — 76 mcg of folate in 1 cup (19% DV)

21. Pineapples:
Natural pineapple contains the citric acid, 87% acid composition in the pineapple, 13 % of the remaining composition is other acids such as malic acid and ascorbic acid. The World's healthiest Foods site, said pineapple is a good source of manganese, folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin B1 that can promote optimal health within the body.

22. Okra:
Okra, the world’s slimiest veggie is also one of the most nutrient rich foods. Okra has the distinct ability to offer simultaneously vitamins and minerals while cleansing the whole digestive tract from the toxic build-up. In addition, this food is a great source of folate. Just 1 cup of cooked okra can give you approximately to 37 mcg of the folic acid.

23. Brussels Sprout:
Brussels sprout possibly is not your favorite vegetable, there is no denying that it is one of the best sources for folic acid. You should eat 1 cup of the boiled brussels sprout per day, because sprout will give you approximately about 25% of an amount of daily-recommended folate. Brussels sprout is also high in vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium and manganese. Even with an abundance of nutrients, this food remains amazingly difficult to convince children to give it a try.

24. Spinach:
Spinach is one of great foods high in folic acid.  Spinach also is one of the vegetables that stand out among the dark green leafy vegetables. Vegetables also contain abundant iron levels, and spinach is one of the healthy vegetables suitable for women to eat more.

25. Egg Yolk:
Vitamins such as folic acid, vitamin A, vitamin D… mainly found in the egg yolk. Egg yolk also contains a lot of iron; this is a good food source for nutritional supplementation in pregnant women.

Note: consult your medical practitioner before adding some of these foods into your diet plan.

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