
Friday, December 21, 2018


A 49-year-old trader, Modinat Adebayo, who allegedly assaulted two policemen with broken plates and bottles, on Thursday appeared in an Ikeja Magistrates’ Court.

The accused, who lives at No. 25, Koya Akinwale St., Baruwa-Ipaja, Lagos, is charged with conspiracy and assault.


The prosecutor, Inspector Rachael Williams, told the court that the accused allegedly assaulted Sgt. Ngbede Ichigboja and Cpl. Folajimi Adeniyi, with broken plates and bottles.

Williams said that the Adebayo inflicted injuries on their heads.

She added that the accused committed the offence with her son, Ismaila and other boys (at large) on Dec. 15 at No. 25 Koya Akinwale St, Baruwa-Ipaja, a Lagos suburb.
Williams said the complainants, who were on patrol, were attacked by the accused.

She added that the accused prevented and perverted the course of justice by hiding her son and others at large from being arrested.

“The policemen were in the patrol van when the accused suddenly started throwing broken plates and bottles at them immediately she saw their van.

“The policemen did not go to the area to make any arrest; they were only passing through when the incident occurred.

“The police officers later found out that the accused’s son and some other boys were smoking Indian hemp and thought the policemen were coming to arrest them,” Williams said.

The offence, she said, contravened the provisions of sections 173 and 411 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State 2015, (Revised).

The accused pleaded not guilty to the charges.

The Magistrate, Mrs. O. O. Akingbetese, admitted Adebayo to bail in the sum of N200,000 with two responsible sureties in like sum.

Akingbetese ordered that the sureties must be gainfully employed with an evidence of two-year tax payment to the Lagos State Government and have their addresses verified by the court.

The Magistrate adjourned the case until January 10 for hearing.

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