
Thursday, December 13, 2018


Harrysong’s ex-manager, Kaycee Ichie Oguejiofor has made another headline as he explains why poverty will never end in Nigeria.

In a recent Facebook update, the artiste manager revealed his experience as spent the most part of the year in the hotel.


This is coming a few weeks after Kaycee shut down social media with his statement about his former employer, Harrysong. The manager had earlier said that ‘when you die, I will sit in a bar and tell sad stories of how ungrateful and disloyal you were to everyone who helped you build your dream’.

In an exclusive chat with Daily Advent He went further to reveal so many things that happened during his time with Harrysong.
You went on Facebook to call out Harrysong following his depression statement.


Why did you go that deep?

When I saw Harry’s post it was actually like a bait. I was waiting to know if he was going to say anything. He didn’t reply. Mutual friends were calling me and am like I don’t want to have anything to do with this dude at this point in my life. I felt I was treated unfairly. I worked with Harrysong for 9 years, from 2009 when he signed his record deal, I gave him his first paper to sign on my birthday, I won’t forget the date, June 16th 2009.


You said something about him having issues with other people.

Yes. Every time he had issues with his producers over non-payment for song productions am always the peace maker. The person who did the beat and also produced Harry’s hit song Reggae Blues never got the entitlements he deserved from the song.

What was the first issue you had with him as his manager?

My first issue with Harrysong in this life was when we signed him. When I was told to write a plan on how to market him I said we need to sell him like a Niger Delta boy, so at the time if he releases single, he get shows in the Niger Delta region and got paid while we are still begging for shows in Lagos.

The first money he got as an artist was in Calabar Carnival 2009. They paid him 300k. Harrysong told the owner of Question Mark, to sack me, that how will I be marketing him like a Warri Boy, that people were looking at him like a local champion. But the truth is, till today, the foundations of those days that we always travel in night bus doing promotions is what’s still giving him money till today. How many concerts have you seen Harrysong perform at Eko Hotels, or brands inviting him for end of the year shows. But every other weekend he is either in PH, Warri because that’s where he gets paid. This was a market we defined 9 years ago. For that 9 years I wasn’t able to make money to afford myself a cheap phone from Harry.

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