
Wednesday, December 26, 2018


The former Governor of Anambra State and the Vice Presidential candidate of the PDP, Mr. Peter Obi has admonished Christians and all men of goodwill to use the occasion of Christmas celebration to extend the hands of love and care to the less privileged. 

In a statement made available to the Press, Obi said, among others: “Let us all thank God that we are here today to celebrate yet another Christmas, an occasion which as Christians we should use to remind ourselves of the commencement of the mystery of our salvation and the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ who is our way to eternity.”

Obi also charged Nigerians to use the occasion to reflect deeply about the pervading  sadness in the country arising from  difficulties affecting the world, including our country. He says: “This period therefore actually calls for prayers and deep reflection on, and re-examination of, the lives we have led up till this moment. The dictum of Socrates comes to mind here: ‘An unexamined life is not worth-living’ ”.

Obi, who also took the opportunity to remind Nigerians about the coming General election of 2019, called on them to be vigilant and only vote for those with proven track records of performance, especially those who, through practical and demonstrable ways, have proved their  capacity to create wealth, manage men and exhibit with deep understanding of the economy”, which, according to him, were the bywords for Atiku/Obi candidacy.

Calling of Nigerians to always have the interest of the country at heart, Obi concluded: “As we march towards the end of 2018,  I appeal to  all of us to go into the New Year with a new commitment to make sacrifices for our country and our people. I also enjoin all of us to believe in our country, support  the  leaders that understands leadership, exhibit the spirit of patriotism that will be in tune with what will lead to progress and development.”

Obi prayed to  Almighty God to continue to guide and protect all Nigerians and indeed all men of goodwill , so that 2019 will be a better year for Anambra State, Nigeria and the world

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