
Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Sperm count or total sperm count refers to the average total number of sperm present in one sample of semen. Sperm count is one of the several qualities that are assessed during routine semen analysis and is considered an important factor for fertility.
Anything that impacts the hormones that control the production of sperm or acts as an anti-oxidant may aid the healthy development of sperm and help improve sperm count. Overall, factors that influence testosterone levels are thought to have the most significant impact on sperm number and quality.

1. Munch Oysters for sperm production
Oysters are one of your man’s best sources of zinc, which helps sperm production. It also doesn’t hurt that they’re an aphrodisiac. So,  load him up with 15mg a day – around 50g of oysters – and you’ll be making babies before you know it. If your wallet – or his stomach – can’t stretch to that much, other great sources of zinc are turkey, pumpkin seeds, lobster, and mussels.

2. Eat Dark chocolate for antioxidants
Dark chocolate contains an amino acid that has been proven to double sperm and semen volume. It’s also high in antioxidants – enough to rival pomegranates and acai berries. Antioxidants are a great weapon against free radicals, nasty little molecules found in pollution and toxins that are linked to male infertility. But don’t go overboard – putting on weight can cause imbalances in testosterone which could lower your man’s sperm count. A couple of squares a day is plenty.

3. Consume Garlic for sperm motility
If the strong aroma doesn’t put you off doing the deed, garlic is a great baby-making booster for your man. It contains two magic elements – allicin, which improves blood flow to his sexual organs and protects sperm from damage, and selenium, an antioxidant that improves sperm motility. One to two cloves a day is a good amount.

4. Increase Your Intake of Antioxidant-rich Foods
Antioxidants are molecules that help remove and deactivate free radicals and other compounds that damage cells. Several vitamins and minerals have shown to act as antioxidants, and several studies have linked antioxidant consumption with increased sperm count.
Antioxidants that may contribute to a healthy sperm count include:
*  Selenium
*  Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
*  Vitamin E
*  Glutathione
*  Coenzyme Q10
*  I-carnitine

5 . Increase Healthy Fat Intake
Polyunsaturated fats or so-called healthy fats, such as omega-3 and omega-6, are crucial to the healthy development of the sperm membrane.
Some studies have shown that individuals should consume these two essential omega compounds in equal quantities for ideal sperm development and antioxidant benefits.

6. Reduce Unhealthy Fat Intake
A 2014 study that surveyed 209 healthy Spanish men between the ages of 18 to 23 years of age found that as they increased their consumption of trans fatty acids, their sperm count decreased proportionately.
Several studies have also shown that trans fatty acids may impair the ability of long-chain polyunsaturated fats to incorporate into sperm membranes, a critical step in sperm development.

7.  Food with Folate
 Folate (vitamin B9) is a form of folic acid that occurs naturally. It has been linked to higher sperm counts. Although you shouldn’t worry about taking a supplement, try to increase your intake through green vegetables, oranges, potatoes, and legumes.

8.  Food with Vitamin D
 Having enough vitamin D can ensure the mobility of your sperm. You can absorb it through sunlight or get it through oily fish, fortified margarine or cereals.

9.  Food with Zinc and Selenium
Low levels of these nutrients can lead to decreased sperm mobility and quality. To get more zinc, eat plenty of dark chicken meat, baked beans, and extra-lean minced beef. You can get selenium from eggs, meat, fish, bread, and Brazil nuts.

Also, Foods high in sperm count-boosting nutrients include:
citrus fruits
whole wheat and grains
most fish, especially wild salmon, cod, and haddock
most shellfish, especially oysters
vitamin D enhanced milk and milk products
most leafy greens, especially spinach and kale
fermented nuts and seeds.

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