
Saturday, October 6, 2018


Women’s fertility is only a small part of the process for conception, and male fertility is another important factor. The health status of the sperm includes movement, quantity,  and quality. Movement is essential for the sperm to reach the egg and to increase chances of fertility, ov

er 40% of your sperm should be moving. In terms of quantity, men are more likely to be fertile if their ejaculate contains over 15 million sperms in each milliliter. Quality also plays an essential role, as the stronger sperm you have, the more fertile you will be. Let's see how to make sperm stronger.

Factors that have been proven to damage sperm health.

1.  Electromagnetic frequencies.
Do you use a cellphone or computer? And do you carry them on your body? And what about cigarette smoking? Do you drink caffeinated drinks or alcohol? What about pesticides and hormones in the food you are eating? Or the toxins in your environment as is in your home, in your office, in your car or even in your care products?

2.  Hot-water
Do you keep your boys cool? Testicles need to be kept cool for healthy sperm. Do not bath in very hot water.

3.  Phone-in-pocket
Do not store your phone in the trouser pocket and do not place your laptop on your laps.

4.  Avoid excessive usage of lubes and vaginal tablets
They can also cause sperm death.

5.  Keep Cool
The testicles need to stay cool because sperm production can occur just at a specific temperature. Actions that lead to overheating can decrease sperm production. This means that you should avoid going to steam rooms, saunas, and hot tubs more than twice a week for 15 minute sessions. Wet heat in particular is not good for your testes and simply sitting in a hot tub for a half hour may decrease production of sperm. Even keeping a laptop directly on your lap can have a negative impact. It can actually increase the temperature of the scrotum up to 35 degrees depending on how you sit, so use a cooling tray or keep the laptop on a table or desk. You should also opt for looser clothing as this will give the testicles room to stay a bit away from the body. Tight clothing places them too close to the body, which will increase their temperature. Therefore, opt for looser underwear and pants when trying to conceive.

6.  Pay Attention to Weight
Either being overweight or underweight may negatively impact a male’s sperm and weight problems can also affect libido and performance, hurting a couple’s sex life. To maintain a healthy weight, follow a healthy diet with a mix of dairy, grains, lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits and be sure to take physical activities.

7.  Avoid Smoking
Smoking can lower your sperm count and reduce the mobility of sperm. This means that you should try to quit as soon as possible to make your sperm stronger. If it takes some time, be sure to quit at least three months prior to starting to try to conceive, because sperm production takes around three months. In addition to quitting smoking, you should also stop using other drugs including marijuana.

8.  Limit the Amount of Alcohol and Caffeine
Although men don’t have to completely give up beer, they should limit the intake as alcohol has been linked to sperm abnormalities and a decrease in production. Two drinks each day will still be fine but more than that can hurt the sperm and sexual performance. Caffeine and soda intake can reduce sperm concentration and sperm count, and experts recommend not having more than 300 milligrams of caffeine a day (around three servings of 6-ounces).

9.  Exercise Regularly
It can be challenging to find an exercise routine you can maintain, but when you can make it, you will have an increase in sperm production. Exercise releases testosterone and this helps the sperm production. Try not to work the same muscle group on consecutive days so the muscle can rest and rebuild, but go with lifting heavy weights and compound exercises. However, don’t over-exercise, because adrenal steroid hormones may release, which will decrease testosterone levels.

10.  Visit a Doctor
Before you start trying to conceive, both parties (the man and the woman) should get a thorough checkup. This is a great way to stay on track of healthy. Your doctor will tell you if you need to change your weight, medication, or lifestyle to increase fertility. He will also let you know if you have genetic disorders or other issues that may be a health concern for the baby.

11.  Lessen Stress
Stress may lower your sexual function and sperm production. Your sperm count may be low if you always work twelve hours a day without a rest. Try to relax during the day and keep both your body and mind healthy. Remember that stress hormones block the cells that regulate testosterone and if you are over-stressed, your body may stop sperm production. Besides, be sure to get enough sleep each day.

12.  Be Careful When Taking Medications
Make a list of all the medications, vitamins, and supplements you take before starting the conception process. Certain medications can have negative impact on either the quantity or the quality of sperm, so discuss the list with your doctor. He should be able to offer fertility-friendly suggestions or alternatives when necessary.

13.  Avoid Chemical Toxins
Certain toxic chemicals including chemical solvents, lead, and heavy metals may lead to more damaged sperm. This means that if you plan on trying to conceive, you should do your best to avoid these chemical toxins. In case you work with these chemicals, always use protective clothing and a face mask, and makethe place ventilated.

14.  Eat Smart
To make your sperm stronger, you need a healthy and balanced diet that contains all the major food groups as well as specific nutrients.

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