
Saturday, October 13, 2018


     Two undergraduates of the University of Jos have reportedly died in violent clashes reported in the city of Jos.

In Plateau state, the corpse of Paul Adoyi, a 200 Level pharmacy student of the University of Jos has reportedly been found in a stream.

According to a post shared on IG today, he died during a recent crisis in the state.

Before his corpse was found, the deceased initially went missing in Katako on Friday, September 28, 2018.

Also in Jos, Dauda Kums the father of a UNIJOS student Shedrack Kums is asking for justice to be served after the killing of his son who was a 300-level law student by the time he died.

The young Kums was reportedly shot dead two days after his school colleague Adoyi was killed. His dad hopes those responsible are brought to book.

He had planned to visit his child on the day he was pronounced dead but was forced to stay back because of violence events believed to have occurred in Jos.

"When he (Shedrack) told me the place was tense, I advised him to stay indoors. Around 4pm, I was called that my son had been shot dead. I quickly left home. As I was close to his hostel, some soldiers stopped me. They said I could not go in and I went back.

"A few metres away from the hostel, his roommate called me that some injured students had been taken to the military hospital. I went to the hospital, but my son was not there.

"Around 6pm, one of his course mates called to tell me that my son was in a critical condition at a hospital. I went there and lo and behold, I met him dead.

"I was told the Fulani herdsmen were approaching the school gate and that soldiers came to repel them. Some of his friends told me he was shot by soldiers. He had been given a heroic burial, but we want justice to prevail.

"Those who perpetrated this dastardly act should be brought to book. The university management representatives were also present at the burial."

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